I Have No Motivation...


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Jul 21, 2012

Jenny B.

I really hope this doesn't come off as a "woe-is-me" kind of thing, but I wanted to get some advice from a group of lovely people who have no prior judgement of me.

So I quit running track about 15 months ago. I was a distance runner and since then I haven't ran more than two miles during one run. I quit because I was going to do this study abroad program that required a lot of my time, and I just couldn't fit in track anymore. So I went to Spain, a healthy 5'8", 124 pound girl, and came back 25 pounds heavier. It's not like I ate a huge amount of food, but the change in diet was so drastic. In Spain, they eat this yummy bread all the time and in pretty large quantities...at least my host family did. And my host mom also took offense when I turned down second and third helpings. So there is my excuse for gaining 25 pounds. When I got back home to Indiana, I hated that I wasn't back in Spain, and I just fell into this depression that I didn't come out of until graduation. It didn't help that this boy convinced me that I was totally worthless.

I just want to know what gives you all motivation to make yourselves workout. I put little notes on my mirror that say "You are beautiful, but you would be gorgeous if you'd go do something." But I just ignore them and they make me feel guilty.

So in a few weeks I will be moving to a dorm at a Big Ten school, and I know that I am going to be the victim of gaining the Freshman 15. If there is anyone who can give a little advice, I would appreciate it so much.

Stay Beautiful

PS: I forgot to mention this: I know that 5'8" and 150 lbs isn't really that bad, and I have managed to get my weight down to 137 for now.