How Your Skin Ton Affects Your Makeup


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Jun 24, 2012

Sydney M.

Is it true that if you have darker skin, lighter and brighter colors for your eye shadow is better? And if you have lighter skin should you do softer colors? What do you think?

Jul 10, 2012

Olivia G.

With makeup, you can do anything. Any colours any style. What ever you are comfortable with :)

Oh and I don't think that's true :)

Jul 10, 2012

Shelley W.

I don't follow any rules when it comes to make-up shades. That's the beauty of experimentation. If a lipstick doesn't look right on my lips but looks great as a cheek color...awesome! A gloss doesn't translate well...slap it on top of a lipstick instead. 

darker skin tones can pull off brighter, more pigmented colors. like some MUA use literally red blush on really dark skin. it's sounds crazy, but looks great when applied. it doesn't look like it does in the pan.