Skin regimen change!


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Jun 23, 2012

MaiLy W.

Hi, first time doing one of these topic things :)

For my foundation, I usually just put on moisturizer then brush on Mac Studio Fix powder and some blush, whenever I use foundation I feel like it looks too unnatural. I recently ran out of my Mac and was wondering if anyone knew of better powder or a very natural foundation? And any other must have skin products, since I'm going shopping today :)

Jun 23, 2012

Shelly T.

Maybe try a tinted moisturizer, if you don't like how powder foundation looks on your skin? (I'm suggesting tinted moisturizer over a liquid foundation because the latter tends to give you more coverage, and it seems to me you don't want more coverage.)

Meanwhile: Is there anything specific you want out of a new skincare routine? What about your current one do you not like? Or do you just think you need to change it up a bit?

MaiLy W.

Bellevue, WA