Natural Curl


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Sep 5, 2012

Daizia A.

I am African American, I was born with extremely long thick curly jet black hair ... Over the years growing up I didn't appreciate it (being young & naive) so some of it would fall out at times but my mom (Thank God for her .!) helped me maintain it until I decided to get it permed ... Which is probably the worse decision I ever made .! I miss my curly hair .! I'm pretty sure a lot of African American women would like to go back to their naturally beautiful hair rightt .? ANYWAYS to the question, is there ANYWAY I can get my curly hair back, & if so, howw .??
Thank you : )

Sep 5, 2012

Rana B.

You would have to transition from permed hair to natural hair. You can do a long transition which is until all the perm/relaxer or a short transition where you do a big chop after a few months or whatever YOU prefer the right amount of hair for to rock is their. Shea moisture and carols daughter are great products to look at for transitioning.  

Sep 5, 2012

Daizia A.

Sounds good .! I definetly don't want to cut it though .! haha, uhmmm aside from the moisturizers is there any other product to restore it quicker .? 

Yes, transitioning and growing your natural hair out will be the only way to get your curls back.. ALSO using natural oils will help revive and moisturize you hair to make it healthier and grow back stronger... I have a couple videos on growing healthy hair and here is my latest video on coconut oil ( i love it)...
Hope it helps :)