What colours suit each skintone?


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Sep 6, 2012

Kelly G.

Since you have pale skin/eyes/hair, go bright! A pale color will just wash out on you. I'd personally go bright pink or bright blue. Good luck :-)

Sep 6, 2012

Sofia L.

Hey :3 it's my school's awards night and we basically get to dress to the nines and party but I'm worried about what colour dress would suit me! I'm really really fair-skinned and have mousy blonde hair and blue eyes. please help me so i can look good for my date! :P xx

Sep 16, 2012

Sofia L.

thanks so much! i took your advice and went with aqua! it's so pretty! <3 xx

Sep 16, 2012

Kelly G.

Awesome! I'm glad it worked :-) 

Sofia L.

Brisbane, Australia