MOTD, purple Friday :)


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Dec 6, 2013

Hannah K.

So, ignore how I'm master of awkward pictures. I'd like some suggestions on what I can do better for my eye makeup. I'm really not looking for responses like "that's cute," or "pretty." Today is taupe/greige on the lid, and purple on the lower lashline. Thanks for the help ladies!

Dec 6, 2013

Hannah K.

Close up.

Dec 6, 2013

Rosie A.

Highlight the inner corner to brighten your eyes and maybe even the browbone :) can I get a picture with a closed eye?

Dec 6, 2013

Hannah K.

It's not great, but oh well. Thanks for your input :)

Dec 6, 2013

Hannah K.

I have mascara on haha but thanks. I'll think about some eyeliner next time though.

Dec 6, 2013

Freya P.

The way it is now, it works for your face and eyeshape. but things you could try are, like rosie said, highlighting the inner corner, and blending the crease colour just a liiiittle higher towards your brow bone. and the colour on your moving lid and in your crease are very similar, try two shades that are a little more different(: oh and I agree on the eyeliner, a thin line can pull a look together!

Dec 6, 2013

Anabel M.

I think a little more purple && the eyeliner

Dec 6, 2013

Hannah K.

It's actually all one color on my lid, so I can see why it would look similar haha but I'll definitely try your suggestions, thank you ladies.

Dec 7, 2013

Jacqueline Y.

I can't really tell your even wearing make up when your eye is open.. I would start with blending the lid color into the crease. And I agree about eyeliner, maybe a brown eyeliner if you don't want to go so bold.