Vanity mask vs. the worlds view or just plain I love makeup?


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Nov 10, 2013

Shushoni C.

Do people ever comment on the amount of makeup you wear? do they question why you wear it?

I personally find the older I get, the more makeup I wear to hide some flaws. I feel better "masking" my flaws or drawing attention away from certain things. people always assume my skin is flawless.. it is so far from it! I don't feel comfortable without something on. I don't always slather a huge amount on.. it is just hard to go out the door without SOMETHING on.

sometimes I wish people would keep their comments to themselves. if I ask, then OK. but otherwise; no thank you.. besides all that, I love makeup! is that horribly wrong? discuss! please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way??

Nov 10, 2013

Tara G.

I've never had any comments to that effect but if I did I would feel the same way you do.

Nov 10, 2013

Shelley W.

I live a makeup conservative area of Jacksonville, FL. I wear bright lippies several times a week and I get the crazy double looks. I've had a few underhanded snide comments but over the past few months I've had a lot of positive comments. I had a woman behind me at the grocery store ask me about my makeup and how she could get her's to look so good. I literally gave a quick lesson on blending right there at checkout. I feel your pain about people's negative comments out in public. I wish people would follow the mantra;"If you can't say something nice then don't say it at all."

Nov 11, 2013

Fazila S.

I am from india basically and people of our community feel makeup should be minimum or better if no when I wear lots of makeup (according to them) they always comment of how dramatic I look and I swear I don't ever wear bold red or purple eyeshadows or a very fancy dramatic look but they just can't stop telling me how it will effect my skin, how it is looking as if I had overdone it etc.etc... BUT I just ignore all the negative comments and keep on doin what I love... I never wear makeup to please others its for my happiness so I just don't care what they think. At the same time when it comes to parties and all these people are the ones asking me to do their makeup. So don't care about what others say just do what you love.

Nov 11, 2013

Mary T.

I live in Tx and I've grown up around little old ladies who will not leave the house without being painted up and hair fully teased. Since I have become and adult(I pretty much had clown makeup as a teen!) no one has ever said anything like that to me and I always wear makeup. I think I would have choice words with anyone who would dare to say anything rude! I would definitely smile and be nice but tell them to mind your own f@#*n business. Wear that makeup ladies!!

Nov 11, 2013

Shushoni C.

Ahhh thanks ladies! adjusting to another culture and Country has been difficult. I struggle with a lot on a daily basis. I get few enjoyments that are just for me. I don't understand why people have to be mean, rude or even give their opinion *when not asked* people seem to be offended by my mere presence sometimes. I get stared at everywhere I go and I don't understand. I'd like to say it doesn't bother me, but some days it does. Tina, I am very sorry that you had to go through what Cancer does and takes away.. although I do not have Cancer, I have been on chemo for other reasons. it plain sucks! so happy to hear you are doing better. as for you wonderful other ladies, its nice to see such spirit in owning/learning to own who you are. I will work on taking this knowledge to apply to my life.. need more confidence..

Nov 13, 2013

Annmarie K.

Shelley, I'm in Jacksonville too! Shushoni there are always those people. Think of how many people tell you if you have a run in your pantyhose...It's always fascinated me why some more than others get such a big reaction...

Nov 14, 2013

Audra B.

I sometimes go all out with my eyeshadows before I go to work. I'm a chef at an assisted living home and basically work the entire kitchen/dishroom by myself. So since I have to have a hat on or heaven forbid a hairnet, I go a bit extra on my eyes cuz its the only thing I can do! Nailpolish won't last an hour and what if it flakes off into some food!! ewwww. But yeah so basically I have caregivers who tend to roll out of bed, throw their hair in a pony and walk out the door. If people make comments about your makeup you should take it as a good thing. They are noticing you! When they say stuff like "I could never wear those colors" its not a knock on the colors themselves, its really them saying "You are so confident in yourself that you are willing to try things that I wouldnt have the balls to try". If you have haters then you must be doing something right because if people didnt notice you or care about what you do then they just wouldnt say anything at all so let em hate! Girls hate other girls who do things better then them! Its in our genetics! I mean most of us grew up on Disney movies right? That was pretty much the lessons. If your ugly then you are evil and if you have perfect hair and sing a lot then the perfect guy will come marry you without even having a full convo with you...hmmm that explains a lot actually! :)

Nov 14, 2013

Audra B.

Oh yeah and I just wanted to mention that I was a seriously fugly teen. I got to see first hand how being ugly is apparently the worst thing in the world you could be. I got my nose broken 5 times before middle school, I would hide in the bathroom during recess so I didnt get picked on. Then I got braces and a pair of tweezers and suddenly people wanted to know who I was. It sucks but thats reality. I also blame that on walt disney!!

Nov 18, 2013

Lori C.

I think you look cute in your teen pic, Audra. And beautiful now. Be who you are and do what makes you happy. Life is too short to live for the approval of other people, especially strangers who don't give a s**t about you.