Need Tips On Makeup Removal


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Sep 30, 2012

Alexis B.

Ok so currently i have wipes, but my face has gotten really super dry, I'm not sure if its cause of the wipes, but i have these big dry patches all over one side of my face and 1 on my fore head, i have been trying soap my mom bought, i think its black african soap but I'm not sure, but it stings so bad when it gets in my eyes, and it ALWAYS gets in my eyes, i want a natural way to take off makeup, anything please!

Sep 30, 2012

Alexis B.

Thanks ill ask my mom about these products and hopefully we can buy some products from lush:) ive been hearing great things about them

Sep 30, 2012

Tanya R.

Cetaphil is a great makeup for eyes use on a dry face and rub in gently I wash off with a wet wash cloth then cleanse my face after

Sep 30, 2012

Tanya R.

*remover I meant to say

Sep 30, 2012

Yesenia P.

Black African soap can be super drying!!! Try a gentle gel cleanser like Ceraphil or the cleanser which is PH balanced. Also get a good moisturizer- I recommend Olay - they have various great ones. 

Sep 30, 2012

Alexis B.

Thanks :) i have been currently using vaseline and it works amazing, nothin bad has happened so i think it works ill let you guys know if anything happens, but i really wanna go out and get some lush stuff, i have cetaphil, havent thought of using it though, ill try that tonight:) 

Sep 30, 2012

Amanda R.

You should look into cleansing oil. It removes all makeup and doesn't dry out your skin. It's very moisturizing. 

Sep 30, 2012

Alexis B.

Ive tried that before but its to oily for me, i used a neutrogena one before and it made my face burn and break out...

Sep 30, 2012

Alexis B.


Sep 30, 2012

Alexis B.

I have eczema but im not sure if this is that or a reaction cuz its kinda reddish but its getting better since i started putting vaseline on the dry spots...

Oct 1, 2012

Katie P.

I use makeup wipes as well. The refill packs for Neutrogena's oil free wipes are only about $4 and I no longer use moisturizer bc of the moisture they put in my skin every morning. 

Oct 1, 2012

Tori K.

Mary Kay makeup remover is oil-free with no drying qualities. it's only about 15 dollars & a little goes a long way, so it will last long too. It was voted number one makeup removal technique by a few different magazines & celebrities. even Oprah! 

Oct 1, 2012

Laura C.

Use olive oil to remove your eye makeup. You can also use an olive oil, honey, and sugar mask for your dry skin. Olive oil will not clog your pores but Vaseline will. Good luck!

Oct 1, 2012

Mary P.

Use regular lotion, plain & simple! it removes makeup very easily

Albolene on dry skin and a warm wet washcloth to remove it. I haven't found anything that removes makeup better, plus it's faster than wipes. Just don't use any washcloths you actually care about :).

Oct 2, 2012

Kayli H.

Vaseline. Vaseline for EVERYTHING.

Oct 3, 2012

Alexis B.

Ill try the wipes because in the morning and nights im usually rushin to get ready and sleep so i dont have much time, i have honors and ap classes so i am really busy:/

Oct 3, 2012

Alexis B.

I have very sensitive eyes so oil burns them idk why? And i cant use remover for that reason as well, wipes are the easiest pain free method for me, but if anyone has the same problem and a good technique let me know, i do t really like wipes cause the rubbing drys out my skin and gives me eczema attacks, lol eczema sucks :/

Albolene does not sting eyes

Oct 3, 2012

Kristin G.

Clinique take the day off makeup remover is amazing! I wear a lot if mascara and it comes off with one swipe! 

Oct 3, 2012

Margaux B.

You can keep using wipes just make sure you moisturize after. Cetaphil moisturizer is a dermatologist approved product that you can get at the drug store. It's cheap, hypoallergenic and effective I use it on all my clients. 

Oct 3, 2012

Celina D.

Olive oil! Oil based makeup removers are a bit hydrating, but you said you wanted natural so olive oil seems to be perfect! It gets off most of the gunk, and it won't burn! Of course, try to keep it away from your eyes, but it works wonders everywhere! I hope this helped!!! Good luck~

Oct 4, 2012

Rachel R.

Hey girl, I am a skin therapist, and I have to agree with Celina, Olive oil will remove everything, and leave your face cleansed but not tight or dry !!