Random breakout of spots.. help/tips/advice anyone?


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Apr 10, 2012

Sarah M.

Hey, I usually have super clear skin, i have been using the same moisturiser and foundation and products for ages now so it can't be to do with a new product, i also wash my makeup brushes all the time and i don't know why, but ive just randomly broke out really badly! Any home remedies/tips/advice? anything is appreciated, thanks,SARAH x

Apr 10, 2012

Lisa U.

My skin does it all the time, clear one minute then breaking out the next. I'll link to the blog post I wrote about Acne and breakouts below :) xx


Apr 10, 2012

Catey P.

If you haven't changed your regimen, it's probably something internal. Keep track of what you eat to see if any particular food might trigger more breakouts (like dairy or caffeine). It might also be hormonal. Or maybe you haven't been sleeping enough, drinking enough water or you're feeling stressed out. Any number of things in your lifestyle can cause breakouts... which makes the guessing game of figuring out what to do that much more challenging!

Gosh.... unfortunately there can be many factors. I def agree with Catey above. Stress can play a huge role in break outs. Does this seem to happen around that time of the month? Also, it can be due to other hormonal or environmental changes. We are shifting into hotter weather and that can cause skin to have problems. Also, are your products old? You might need to replace them. Hope this helps!

Apr 11, 2012

Sarah M.

Thanks everyone for the replies, i have been under a bit of stress recently. I must read that blog now :) Thanks everyone!x

Apr 13, 2012

Britt A.

How long have you been using your current bottle of makeup? Sometimes when I hold onto foundations too long and don't keep track of how old they are, they make me brea k out. Same when I buy industrial sizes of moisturizer.