Any tips for starting own blog?


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Apr 7, 2012

Laura J.

So I have had this crazy idea of having my own blog for about six month now. And first I thought that I want to start a Youtube blog, but because it seems not to happen (I don't have a good video camera and I just basically get so nervous in front of the camera when I'm trying to make a video...) so I decided to start a blog where I could write and take photos about fashion and beauty (oh yes I know that these kind of blogs do exist pretty much so you have to be a little bit unique to make a progress). But anyway, do you have any tips? How did you start your own blog and has it been a success or a total "flop"? And what is a good "site" to establish a blog? (Tumbrl, Blog Lovin' etc?) :)

It would be so wonderful if you could help me :) Thank you!

I had the same questions when I started my own blog, but I was too stubborn to ask for help, lol. I use Blogger for my server, but I use Bloglovin, HelloCotton,, Twitter and Pinterest to help gain viewers. I think the biggest thing for starting a blog is patience. It has taken almost a year for my blog to really take off, granted I had to use that year to teach myself things. Secondly, practice taking pictures as they can make or break your blog. You don't need a fancy camera; mine is a basic Sony that is three or four years old. Thirdly, networking. Interact with other bloggers via Beautylish, HelloCotton,, etc.. to get your name out there. And lastly, stay passionate but also blog about things that readers will like. I also think it is a good idea to keep your posts short and concise(usually) so you don't overwhelm your readers with a ton of text, but just stick to the main points of your post. But a lot of pictures can be a good thing. A simple blog layout/template is also good as it is not distracting.
I hope this helps you out some and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask =)

Apr 8, 2012

Laura J.

okay, thank you so much! :)

Apr 8, 2012

Emma M.

You should start a blog, blogger has a lovely community of fashion and beauty bloggers!

Emma x

Apr 10, 2012

Kerrie B.

To all beauty bloggers, if you are intrested..I am almost through creating an online award to pass out that you can have posted on your blog as recognition of your hard work (sorry no prize) but everyone likes to be awarded right?!?!? It will be done a little diffrent than most as this will be about every two weeks and it will go to the post (it will be on your blog but awarded for a specific post) that I think is the most well written/cute/informitive or whichever just strikes my fancy for a certain reason. More details to come. Send me a email with your blog link (even if im following you already so i can keep it organized) to and tell me why you like the idea! thanks.

Apr 10, 2012

Laura J.

thank you so so much! :) and Kerrie that's a good idea! 

Kristin has some great points!

To start your blog, I'd suggest signing up with either Blogger or Wordpress (I wouldn't suggest Tumblr, as it is difficult for other to participate through commenting). I personally use Wordpress since I've used it for years and its what I prefer, but Blogger is super easy to use and has a strong community and following so that is probably your best bet. After creating your blog, definitely sign up for BlogLovin', HelloCotton etc to get your website out there and to have different ways for people to follow you. For your theme/design, try customizing it a little (as opposed to using the built-in themes) so that it is more personalized and stands out!

Some great ways to promote your blog are here on Beautylish, and also through various beauty blog hops (the blog hops I participate in are listed on my blog's sidebar at if you're interested).

Hope that helps and best of luck with starting your blog! :)

Apr 10, 2012

Laura J.

thank you so much! :)

Nov 7, 2014

Sarva C.

Follow the steps below to create your own blog :
1. Register your domain name
2. design your blog
3. host your blog
First of all, You need to choose a perfect domain name for your blog. After selecting a domain name, you have to register it with any of the domain providers like Design your blog by using Text pattern software ( you can get it as a freebie from the above provider after getting hosting plans from them at affordable cost ) and host it to any of the hosting providers in the world to make your blog public in the internet.