Some help, please? (blogging)


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May 10, 2012

Laura J.

Hello, so I've recently just started my blog and so far so good. I have mainly wrote about beauty and something about fashion but I would also love to write about life, relationships etc. For example something about trusting, self-confidence. So the question is that is it stupid to write about those things in my "beauty"-blog? I tried to create a new blog but the program just tells me that my chosen address isn't available...

What do you think? :)

If you do venture off into other topics but do it every month or so. Just continue to have the main focus of "beauty".

Seconding what Toshira said....I think its okay as long as its not super frequent and doesn't take over the beauty posts, if that is what you want the theme of your blog to be. Some subscribers may love reading all of your posts while others may only be interested in the beauty-focused ones. If you like to write about other topics often, I'd suggest starting up a separate blog for those types of topics (if the address isn't available that means someone else has already registered the blog name you you'll have to pick another name that no one else has) =)

May 10, 2012

Zoe C.

Maybe have one day a week/month where you do a non beauty related post, so that readers know what to expect from you. If you do a lot of non beauty posts then I'd suggest moving them to another blog.

May 10, 2012

Laura J.

thank you all very much, I thought it was best to do a whole new blog so I just did a separate blog called "happy living". :)

May 10, 2012

Mish N.

Iunno, I think your blog, your rules. I've only just started my own blog, sure so far its only beauty focused, but at some point, i'm definitely going to end up including posts related to my other interests and hobbies. So its your choice? Dare to be different! x

May 12, 2012

Shelley W.

Don't let it overwhelm your page. Then it becomes a lifestyle page as oppossed to a beauty page and that can be annoying for some readers. When beauty bloggers start trailing off into other areas I become disinterested real quick. 

I know it can be hard to stick to one thing and when I started my blog I kept my focus primarily on health and beauty. I feel like the more you write, the more you find a niche for your blog and you will know what focus the posts should take. Maybe you could start another blog on another blogging site for personal/lifestyle?

May 14, 2012

Laura J.

thanks! :) I mentioned earlier that I started a new blog :)

May 15, 2012

Meg B.

I have a blog and there are two main focuses: beauty and life. all my beauty related posts are under beauty, and all other random stuff like where I ate or my opinion on stuff. you can check it out at

May 15, 2012

Laura J.

thanks meg! Nice blog :)