From Matte to satin me choose!


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Apr 25, 2012

Shantay K.

Hey guys!

Ok so I had a question
What type of foundation do you usually get if you are going to prom and are getting photographed there?

Matte, natrual, satin?

Btw I have dark indian combination skin.

Thanks for any help! :)

Apr 25, 2012

Shelly T.

I'm not sure the finish of the foundation matters much. What will matter is whether or not it's one that will give you a white cast. In that regard, go with a foundation with little to no SPF. (Any of the Illamasqua foundations, any of the MUFE foundations (I think this may be your better bet), MAC Face and Body, either of the NARS foundations (you may find a good match here, too), any theatrical brand (e.g., Ben Nye, Kryolan, Graftobian; they all come in loads of colours).)

Apr 27, 2012

Shantay K.

so basically you want a foundation that gives you a white cast? 

Apr 27, 2012

gee m.

Shantay, I believe it depends on your skin type. Like if you have oily skin you may not want to wear a satin foundation because it may make your skin look oily in the pictures but then once again if you have dry skin you may not want to go with a matte look because it may make your skin look cakey. I would say get a couple of samples of each finish if you are not use to wearing foundation see how it holds up and take pictures in the foundation and whatever setting powder you plan on using to see what finish you like better and to make sure the finishing powder you are going to use is not going to leave your pictures with the white cast look that Shelly talked about which is something you don't want. 

Apr 27, 2012

Megan N.

just like andii said, any foundation with an SPF will give you the really wash out look. try a foundation that doesnt have the SPF for pics. as for choosing a matte or satin, i think it depends on what finish you prefer. a lot of people that have oily skin prefer matte because that's how they know they aren't oily. while others like the dewy skin look. just depends on what you like. im sure whatever you choose you'll look awesome! 

May 3, 2012

Shantay K.

Thanks so much you guys!

May 3, 2012

Shelly T.

I cocked up my last response, it seems! Whoops! *headdesk*

May 4, 2012

Anjum C.

Matte is best, I think, especially for dances, because you may get oily or sweaty, and a matte foundation should help against that. Plus, the flash from a photograph will often give an oily appearance, so matte is the way to go to me!

May 4, 2012

Jennie A.

Revlon photo ready actually looks really good in photos hence the name ;)

May 8, 2012

Consuelo A.

I agree with Anjum C. matte would be best. she has some good points, yr gonna be danceing and get oily and sweaty. And if you have a nice olive kine tone add a bit of face bronzing to it :)