Drugstore Foundation For Oily Skin?


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Mar 29, 2012

Annabel L.

SOS i'm debating if i should start wearing foundation or not but i decided to just go ahead and try one
1. drugstore preferably since i might not even use it
2. light to medium coverage since i don't want it to be too heavy
3. that doesn't transfer since i touch my face often
4. easy to apply
5. doesn't clog my pores (my acne's bad)
6. that doesn't make me look like a greaseball within 8 hours

i know that what i'm looking for is pretty impossible but just tell me anything that comes close

Jun 5, 2012

Kaylah A.

I absolutely love Revlon Colorstay. It seems to be the only foundation ive used that doesnt cake up and make my face look nasty throughout the day. 

Jun 6, 2012

Sharan H.

dermalogica's worked best for me when my acne was bad, non comedogenic hypoallergenic et all...light too worth looking into