Murad acne products?


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Jun 11, 2013

Bozena W.

Did anyone try it? I was using it for almost two weeks and it caused me horrible cystic acne instead of healing my skin!😡 Does anyone has similar experience?

Jun 11, 2013

Bella S.

Ä°f you have a sensitive skin and if the product has salicyid acid in it would react really bad.

Jun 11, 2013

Bozena W.

Yes, I have extremely sensitive skin ðŸ˜”

Jun 11, 2013

Pam P.

Salicylic Acid can be very good for sensitive skin, as it has anti-inflammatory abilities. The problem with the Murad line, having worked with it before, is it is full of alcohol and skin irritants. Some people see results in the first few days, only for the acne to get worse. Alcohol dries up the oil, leaving your skin to want to produce more in order to compensate.

Jun 11, 2013

Bella S.

Ä° actually used every line for face. Clinique has a lot of alchol in their poducts even they say its for sensitive skin. Ä° go to this french beauty salon and been told to not to use clinique- garnier- gatineu and anything that has saliycid acid in. Specially if you have rosea. Ä°t makes it worse. Ä° think using extra light formulated skin care is better. Ä° did a litte bit of research for sensitive skin. Vichy - korres- murad- skin ceuticals are good to use.

Jun 12, 2013

Pam P.

Acne can be frustrating, to say the least. Interesting that we're talking about now, as June is Acne Awareness month. :) I'd like to direct you to a website for products - incredibly well formulated. You can shop by concern to put your regimen together. And bonus... the products are pretty affordable! Best of luck to you!!

Jun 12, 2013

Pam P.

BTW - I'm not affiliated with the above recommended line.  ;)