Best Cleanser For Blackheads?


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Aug 17, 2012

Autum D.

i have combonation skin, occasional breakouts, and a lot of blackheads. so about three months ago, i changed my whole skincare routine. i started using clean & clear blackhead eraser scrub, nuetrogena acne stress control toner, and a garnier frutice moisturizer. i had heard a lot of great things about the blackhead eraser, and it was working okay for me for awhile, but now i feel like i have just aa many blackheads, if not more than before :(
can anyone suggust or reccomend a really good cleanser for blackheads!? im desperate.
please & thank you!

Aug 20, 2012

Tiffany H.

Try egg facial, it sounds disgusting , but it really works. You can search on youtube the ingredients and how to apply it. 

Aug 20, 2012

Sinead B.

Scrap the chemical based products for something a little more natural. All those unnecessary chemicals will only damage yr skin in the long run. Using a tea tree toner tab or just a few drops of tea tree oil that should be available in a any drug store, steam your face to open the pores and pop on a face mask; lush's mask of Magnaminty is perfect for blackheads as it contains talc to absorb the oil and peppermint which is a natural anti-inflammatory (it's also a great scrub!) this mask will clear yr blackheads in no time. Try using Body Shop tea tree range to keep these blackheads at bay using the steam and face mask treatment as a monthly upkeep! I hope your skin improves with my tips. 

Aug 21, 2012

Autum D.

great tips, thank you so much!

Aug 21, 2012

Heather H.

Getting a facial and having the esthetician properly cleaning out the congestion and built up dried sebum is gonna be the best start 

Oct 16, 2012

Skinsideinfo H.

I agree with Sinead - go for chemical free cosmetics such as oil-absorbing day lotions:

Oct 21, 2012

Juanita W.

Autum! If u don't have reall problem skin, go ahead and continue to use your regular cleanser. For the blackheads....... Mix the juice from an orange w baking soda. Leave on for about 15 mins then rinse. I also recommend exfoliating w the baking soda! Baking soda is EXCELLENT for this!!! The best! And it's crazy cheap!!! Also u can do a honey pat! You can do this as often as u like. Just pat honey on your face. It will help lift blackheads and give your skin a summer glow all winter!
I am an esthetician. 

Oct 21, 2012

Juanita W.

Yes. If you can invest in a Clarisonic... Go for it! They are wonderful!

Oct 22, 2012

Lori W.

I have bigger pores so I get them a lot. I used Clinique everyday scrub... Not the 7 day. And then cleanse with body shop tea tree wash. Works wonders!!! Pores look way smaller and less blackheads.