Any advice for a cosmetology major wanting to be a MUA


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May 13, 2012

Danielle J.

Want to become a MUA. As you know cosmetology is very basic with the teaching of makeup. Most of my knowledge is from my own research. Please i need advice on the best way to become a MUA. I want to get a job at MAC and later become freelance and join a union to be in movies, etc

Jena O.

May 13, 2012

Jena O.

Some MUA are 100% self taught, practice on friends & family and do not have cosmo license. You do not have to have a license to be a MUA, which is pretty awesome. Having a blog with your everyday faces, makeup tips, product reviews, tutorials,ect is basically your online portfolio and showcases all your work. Pictures, videos, network as much as you can, link up with photographers, models, designers in your area and trade your work for photos so you can start making a professional portfolio. Modelmayhem is great for networking and getting gigs for your portfolio!

You can use your blog, youtube, videos, ect to show MAC your passion about makeup artistry. I have my current job, because of my passion for skincare and my blog, twitter following!
Goodluck!! =)

May 16, 2012

Mine D.

I have the same passion as Danielle. I want to get a job at MAC, and then build a career.
I have my cosmo. license. But I am basically self taught. I would love to be a makeup artist, but just don't know where to get started.

Do it! Dont give up on your cosmo because it will help you in the long run! MUD Makeup Designory is a great school. :) 

Jun 1, 2012

Danielle J.

thanks guys...Jena, great advice, when i get my first job, im gonna contact you and thank you personally