Laser hair removal??


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Jul 12, 2013

Yani A.

Does it really work? And how long does it last? I am kinda skeptical since I don't have any friends whose had it done.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

What are you trying to get done? It does work, but only on darker hair. If you have light or really fine hair it may not work as well. I had about 10 treatments done on my underarms and although there is considerably less hair, there is still a few that come back.. I may get more treatments in the future.

Jul 12, 2013

Valerie P.

Well there is another way that cheaper and effective use coffee brew and baking powder mix and scrub on the area needed.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

And how long does it last- it's permanent. You are permanently eliminating the hair from its root. Just for some background info- I paid about $500+ for 10 treatments, they had a promotion going on that you pay for one service and get another free. I had my upper lip done too but I feel like it didn't really work cuz my hair was so light and fine. Worked for my underarms though.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

And be prepared for the pain.. Think of someone snapping a rubber band against your skin, over and over.

Jul 12, 2013

Yani A.

Omg that sounds painful lol Rosanna!! Thanks for the info I am thinking of getting my underarms.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

I think it's worth it!

Jul 12, 2013

Kiki P.

I paid $800 plus for my underarms and bikini area and it worked for about 6 months until the hairs grew back as thick, quickly, and dark as before... :/ Waste of money in my opinion, but if you want to try it, maybe it will work better for you!

Jul 12, 2013

Mary I.

Check Groupon. They always have laser hair removal deals on there. I used to work as a technician and I've pretty much lasered all my hair. Lol they have different machines for different hair types and it all works for the most part unless you have really really light colored and thin hair. Have a consultation first and see. If you get a good and honest technician, they will tell you if treatments will be effective on you.

In terms of pain, some areas hurt more than others, it's usually the underarms or the bikini that hurt the most but again, they just feel like snapping rubber bands. Take a tylenol or something an hour before your treatment...and, treatments hurt more around the time of the month when you're almost on your period. Also, there are tons of topical creams available if your pain threshold is really low.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions, I'll be happy to help you out!

Insta: hippiegypsy00

Jul 12, 2013

Mary I.

Aaaaand, technically, there really isn't any "permanent" hair removal method. Laser is as permanent as it can get but you might need a touch up some time after. It can be in 6 months or in 2 years. It all depends on your hair growth BUT it will never ever be the same it was before treatments. Usually, after your treatments, the hair that grows back would be really thin that you wouldn't care about them anymore. Some things that can affect the hair growth include pregnancy, hormonal changes or some birth control pills.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

Thanks for the clarification Mary! I agree that it isn't truly permanent but it's the closest you can get to it. I still have hair growing, and as I mentioned above, would like to go back for more treatments. Some did grow back, some lighter, but considerably less in quantity than before. I probably only have like less than 10 "dark" hairs that grow per armpit and I can't complain!

Jul 12, 2013

Yani A.

Thanks everyone for your opinions and suggestions!! 😉👍

Jul 14, 2013

Mary I.

You're welcome!

@Rosanna: Me too! I have about 98% less hair on all the parts I've lasered. I'm embracing the last 2%. They're too light to treat now anyway! Thank God for laser! Haha

Keep up with me on Instagram! @hippiegypsy00