How can I get the OCC Lip tars out of my brushes?


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May 14, 2012

Ida H.

So the only problem I have with lip tars, is cleaning them out of my lip brushes.. I do get them clean if I wash them like ten times in a row with dish-washing soap, but I feel like there should be an easier solution. I currently use synthetic brushes, but I am considering disposable ones if I can solve this problem. Any ideas? Anyone else have the same problem?

May 14, 2012

Latia C.

Try using an oil based remover to break down the product first, then washing them the normal way you wash your brushes.

May 15, 2012

Lindsay S.

Try using olive oil first, work it into the brush, rinse with warm water and then use a dish soap or shampoo.

May 15, 2012

Jessica S.

I have had the same problem IDA H :o Thank you for posting this up & thank you ladies for the helpful replies.

May 15, 2012

Andrea S.

I use dish-washing liquid and olive oil mixed! Isopropyl alcohol works as a quick-clean solution but if you use it too often it would ruin your brushes.

Olive oil works wonders, I also have found you must wash your brush as soon as your done.

try freshs soy face cleanser or purity cleanser....they both break down the makeup and you can also use them for face wash gotta love the double usage lol....

May 18, 2012

Ashley H.

i never knew they get stuck in your brushes, i always wanted to try them but that sounds like a pain :/

May 19, 2012

Ida H.

Ashley h: Don't let that stop you, they are really worth it anyway! I have about ten now, and I love them all!