Big Heartshaped Dilemma!!


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May 6, 2013

Sarah M.

So I have a heart shaped head and its photo day tomorrow. But my face is kinda round as well. I need something to narrow my face. Any ideas?!!

May 6, 2013

Sarah M.

This is my ugly face

May 6, 2013

Alecia J.

I think you look gorgeous the way you are ❤

May 6, 2013

Caitlyn M.

I agree you look beautiful the way you are.

May 6, 2013

Gabbie S.

Straighten it and add volume to the top

May 6, 2013

Molly P.

Your beautiful don't do any thing but if you want to put a bit of eye make-up on :)

May 6, 2013

Maria D.

You're pretty just the way you are!:)