Clear Healthy Skin


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Apr 26, 2013

Ashlyn N.

What's the best way to achieve clear, healthy, flawless skin? With results fast? Please help!

Apr 26, 2013

Chasilynn S.

Clean eating, drinking lots of water throughout the day, wash makeup brushes at least once a week, change pillow cases every second night. Also, maintain a proper skin schedule by cleansing toning and moisturizing.

Apr 26, 2013

Megan M.

Eat healthy, eat less dairy, wash your face once a day (I use a Norwex cloth), moisturize after, and drink lots of water =]

Apr 26, 2013

Maryanne B.

It's what you put on your mouth and skin.
I'm pretty sure you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy eating.
In terms of skincare, do your research. Experiment with products to achieve that routine that'll work for you. Everyone's skin behaves differently. Only you would know.