This Acne Won't Go Away Help.


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Mar 11, 2013

Justine A.

I feel like I'm going through puberty again I've tried everything in the book for my breakouts I just came from the dermatologist and he prescribed some pills and differin gel but its not working fast enough I don't even want to leave my house because it's so bad help!

Mar 11, 2013

Chelsea P.

I actually had the same problem. Differen gel worked for some time but then began drying out my skin and making it worse. You should ask for Accutane. It's something prescribed as a last resort & is a very strong pill. Not many dermatologist are willing to put you on until you've tried many other things. It works wonders. Has side affects such as dryness, but that will go away once you are off the pill. They put me on in 2009 for a few months and I haven't gotten acne since. Trust me it really does work, but because of some of the side affects dermatologist are reluctant. Good luck!

Mar 11, 2013

Chelsea P.

Just ask your doctor and be persistent if he refuses try another doctor..

Mar 11, 2013

Emma H.

There's a product called aloe vera and its reallt good for acne if you get the 100% pure aloe gel good luck.

Mar 12, 2013

Rika G. has cured y acne! I suffered from it for 6 years and tried everything!! And within a week my acne has gone away!