Dry skin question 🤷🏻‍♀️


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Feb 3, 2017

Jackie S.

So I just started applying Retin-A, and I know that dry flakey skin is normal. I'm just curious how long the dryness lasts? I've only applied Wednesday night and am only going to apply every other night (mixed with CeraVe).

Feb 4, 2017

Dana E.

I used to use Retin-A for my hormonal acne however I stopped after 3 months because I feel like it did nothing for me. Unfortunately the dryness never stopped when I was using it. I applied it every night with cetaphil moisturizer and it still didn't help. :/

Feb 4, 2017

Jackie S.

Dana, thanks!
I'm actually using it for clogged pores on forehead and overall texture. If I notice the dryness is still there after a while, I'll cut back :/ hope it fixes problem first!!

Feb 4, 2017

Leuca S.

Dryness can last 2-3 months depending on frequency of application.

Retin-A is a very intense skin treatment; your skin needs a significant amount of time to adjust to it.

Feb 4, 2017

Jackie S.

Leuca, I'm doing every other night (last night was the 2nd application). Wondering if I should do every 2nd night.

Feb 5, 2017

Leuca S.

If you feel your skin isn't tolerating the active well you can decrease the frequency and work your way up

Feb 5, 2017

Katie G.

That's exactly what I'm doing do (the mix of retin a and cerave) and it gets fine after a while. Idk what products from cerave you are using but I use the dry skin cleanser and moisturizing cream (that comes in a tub) at night and the moisturizing lotion in the morning. (The packaging is blue for both) I find that the moisturizer with spf irritates my skin so I stopped using that. Also if your dry skin is peeling be super gentle and use an eyebrow razor to carefully scrape off the dry skin and it works like a charm!

Feb 6, 2017

Rachel P.

The woman in the store told me I can bake w pressed powder. She said it's pretty much the same. I never heard of that has anyone else? I thought you needed loose powder