Opinions: Would I suit this hair?


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Jun 5, 2016

Victoria S.

Hey guys, I'm looking for some valuable opinions on a possible hair change for me.

I have fair skin, blue eyes and naturally mousy dark blonde hair. I've been dying my hair for years now: it's been black, purple, blue, orange etc, and it's been a medium to dark warm brown for almost a year now (reference: my profile photo).

I'm desperate for a change and would love to go to a blonde, similar to the colour Emma Roberts frequently sports. So, a lot brighter than my natural colour. (I've added a photograph).

Do you guys think it would suit me?
And does anyone have any experience with going lighter/blonde? I'll be going to a salon, but any aftercare tips?

Thanks in advance

Jun 5, 2016

Rissa G.

I think that would look gorgeous on you.

Jun 6, 2016

Victoria S.

Thank you very much guys :)