Black And Blonde Hair Over Red, What Shampoo?


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Jun 9, 2016

Kelly G.

I had my hair cut and dyed earlier this week. It was a bright red (even though I hadnt dyed it in months) and my hair stylist had to dye it twice and the top, bleach it twice to get a balayage and put green toner on the bleached parts to get rid of the red that was peaking through, to make it a black with kind of brassy ombre.

Mostly the red is all gone now, just a little in the blonde that won't quit, and a bit when you look at the black in the light.

My question is, is there anything I should be doing to maintain my colour, and what kind of shampoo should I be using? I don't want the red to peep through any more, and I'm worried that using something like a purple shampoo could lighten the black. Thanks! :)