Prom Make Up..HELP!!


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May 8, 2016

Airyl W.

I need help with doing my make- up , I know how to put on foundation eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara but Not the other stuff I'm wearing a purple dress but don't know what lipstick ( not no purple I'm black ) 😂

May 8, 2016

Elica A.

What does the dress look like?

May 8, 2016

Ariana G.

Do a nude lip with bold silver and purple eyeshadow. Or you can do a softer look and do pink lipstick. I think a deep wine color thats more on the red side would look good too.

May 8, 2016

Ariana G.

Seeing a picture of your dress and a pictire of the eyeshadow youre doing would be helpful :)