Garnier Micellar Water


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Apr 11, 2016

Terri D.

So I lovee the garnier micellar water I use the pink one. But I heard that it's very bad for your skin because of all the chemicals and it could make you age more quickly. Is all this true? What are the cons of the product. Thanks ladies.

Apr 11, 2016

Sabrina K.

I never heard that - I use the Bioderma micellar water from time to time, I use it to remove my makeup and then I cleans my face with a cleanser and then rinse my face with water.
There's chemicals in basiclly every product you use and its important to remember that not all chemicals are bad or dangerous.

Apr 11, 2016

Kitty K.

As far as all the cons go, I have only heard of dermatologist and estheticians go against the idea or more say the marketing of Micellar water due to the fact that make up removers work the same way. It's kind of like how highlighting is being now marketed as 'strobing'.
Other cons I've seen mentioned are the fact that women use Micellar water as a replacement for washing their faces in which case could cause bad skin. Micellar water is basically a gentle make up remover / first step in your cleansing routine so there's no need for it to replace your cleanser. Try to remove your make up just using one pad of Micellar water and you'll see what I mean. I leave my cleansing up to my cleanser and my Foreo Luna.
Any other cons with Micellar water would basically be the addition of irritating ingredients like Jacqueline mentioned. Adding fragrance synthetic or natural can create similar side effects of sun damage so I would see where it making you age quickly could make sense... But then again there are plenty of products worse than Micellar water with fragrance on the market.

Apr 11, 2016

Diana T.

I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you are noticing any bad side effects yourself - in terms of ingredients that could cause cancer - there any many things in the world that could cause cancer - including the sun light/UV rays, parabens, hydroquinone, cell phones and many other things - but just because they COULD cause cancer doesn't mean that using them will 100% give you cancer - because cancer is also linked to genetics - and our environment plays a role but so does our health/immune system and our genes - so although it's good to try and limit your exposure to these things - and protect yourself whenever you can - doing that will not guarantee that you won't get cancer - so as long as you aren't noticing any bad side effects then you will be fine - I've tried the la Roche posay one and the simple brand one and I like the LRP but the simple one made me break out for some reason - but either way since I'm living in Germany and they monitor water usage very strictly - it's a good alternative to washing my face twice a day - instead I use this on days I don't wear makeup to just remove light dirt build up on my face instead of washing it - but I wouldn't recommend using it to completely replace your cleanser as kitty mentioned because I noticed I have to use several cotton balls before it completely comes up clean when trying to remove makeup with it.

Apr 11, 2016

Terri D.

Thanks ladies, I just really like the product and when I heard this I was like what am I going to remove my makeup with now lol. Thanks for all the info

Apr 12, 2016

Amanda F.

You've gotten some great advice. I use it twice a day and I adore it. I prefer the blue to the pink but I like them both better than any other brand I've tried. I actually use it after cleansing - it's pretty disgusting to see what cleansing leaves behind!

Apr 12, 2016

Terri D.

Ill look Into that shannie for sure. I live in Australia but I'll be checking for further info.

Apr 14, 2016

Caitlin J.

I use it and I love it! I haven't experienced any bad effects on my skin at all:) might just be a rumour?

Apr 14, 2016

Nicole A.

This stuff is truly fabulous I have to admit I'm a huge high end shopper so bad): But my girlfriend who works at walgreens showed me the stuff when it 1st came out and I must be on my 6th bottle now I absolutely love it (: