Red Hair Problems!


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Jan 18, 2013

Amanda M.

I Have Red Hair and I Love It Just That It Washes Out To Fast Just Dyed It Monday And Its Already Faded! :( How can I keep the Color for longer?

Jan 18, 2013

Robyn H.

Wash in as cold water as you can stand. Sulfate free shampoo will also help. I'm no expert but this I'd what I did when I had red hair. Hope it helps!

Jan 18, 2013

Danielle B.

Don't wash it every day either. 

Jan 18, 2013

Cher W.

Whenever you touch it up, BEFORE rinsing with water, use white vinegar. Let the vinegar sit for 5-10 min, then use cold water.

Jan 18, 2013

Cher W.

The vinegar trick works for any bright colors, not sure about natural colors like brown or black