Help, Acne problem


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Jan 18, 2013

Elham J.

Hello girls :-)

I used to have acne before but for the past year or so i was gettin that much of acne except when its my period but for the past two or 3months now my face is full of acne and scars :-( :-( :-(, i stoped havin eggs or butter or any dairy,but still i also tried couple of face washes but nothing, help you guys any advice or tips to get rid of it?? Thanks <3 <3 <3

Jan 18, 2013

Julianne R.

Lol at first I thought you meant that you weren't ovulating.. Never mind. But anyway, all I know to tell you is wash your face morning and night. And it's weird but it works for me to put a dab of white toothpaste on mine and they usually clear up in 2 or 3. Days. But I'm going through the same things and I started using proactive! So I'll have to get back to you if it works! I've only been using it for about a week. But good luck and I hope you're able to get it to go away!!!

Jan 18, 2013

Jod H.

Cut nails short, stop eating chocolate and greasy foods, try not to stress! I hav same problem!

Jan 18, 2013

Stephanie D.

it actually sounds more like you came into contact with something that is making you break out. did you switch any product around the same time you started breaking out?

Jan 19, 2013

Elham J.

thank you girls ,i have tried using clearasil face washes but it didnt seem to help at all, maybe it has to do with the fact that i have changed my foundation last couple of months, im using maybelline FIT now.

Jan 19, 2013

Rabeya M.

use triclosan soap itl work :-)

Jan 19, 2013

Deja W.

a home remedy that my mother passed down to me was toothpaste as soon as you see a pimple poping up grab some toothpaste and leave it sit overnight with a bandage on top it will dry out the pimple and it will fall off overnight as simple as that hope it helps

Jan 19, 2013

Maya O.

Best thing to do consult your nearest dermatology.. :-) i also have same problem n i giv up tried n change skincare 

Jan 19, 2013

Lemonia F.

when I had acne problem I used lemon juice on my face for several days..

I'd use a toner or some with hazel to dry out some of the acne. Use it. At night before bed and follow with a moisturizer. The best thing is to be consistent with your skin care routine 
