How do you get rid of blackheads?


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Jun 2, 2015

Anessa R.

I constantly use nose strips, but they never work! What else would I use?! I hate these things.

I got rid of my blackheads by using a blackhead scrub (the Walmart brand one is surprisingly good) and the Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask (:

A black head is an open comedo with debris covering it, and the most important thing to remember is that unlike a pimple you cannot just shrink them, you have to extract from the inside out. Blackheads can emerge if moisturizers, sun screens, make up, or foundations are overused and irritate the skin, so sometimes they are not preventable but you can definitely help your skin clear our sebum to avoid the clogging of pores. Be consistent with your skin care routine, and try your best to incorporate salicylic acid into your face washing regimen. Also known as beta hydroxy acid, salicylic acid dives deep into the pores to break up any mischief that the cells and oil can cause. It’s oil soluble, which means that it can easily blend in with other oils like skin’s sebum, making for easy access into the pores. Once inside, salicylic acid begins to separate the oil and dead skin cells, essentially unclogging the pore, this solves the problem from the inside out as sometimes simply extracting will just cause the black head to return.

Nose strips remove newer and looser black heads, but not all of them will come out if they are larger or more stuck in their place, this is a good place to start and minimize the appearance of black heads but ultimately will not get rid of them. You can also extract black heads, though not recommended to do often there are specific tools meant for this and you must be sure to research properly. The best ones to extract yourself are the more stubborn ones, they will come back but they will come back softer and easier to ultimately get rid of. You should also be exfoliating regularly to avoid any build up on your skin if you are prone to clogging of the pores.

Jun 2, 2015

Sophia G.

Honey face masks

Jun 2, 2015

Kyla M.

Honestly, blackheads are the hardest thing to get rid of. My first, and most important advice is to invest in a good cleanser and something other than your hands to wash your face with. I personally use a clarisonic and it has truly done wonders for my skin. Using your hands doesn't reach into your pores which is where the blackheads are, so you'll need something that will give you a deeper cleanse. Second, maybe try a blemish extractor. These can be difficult to use and sometimes painful, but if you do this before washing your face it will ensure the pore is clean once you remove the black head. Remember to make sure you stick with your facial care regimen every day! Missing a day here and there won't kill you, but do your best to keep up with it and you will see results.

Jun 2, 2015

Shelley W.

Regular professional grade facials (extractions) if you can afford it. When done a monthly or semi-annual basis you can either completely avoid them or reduce the number you have by infusing that with a regular skincare program at home. I just recently got back into getting regular facials and they truly make a huge difference in the general health of my skin and its texture.

I must dispel common myths about blackheads...blackheads aren't the result of dirty skin. It occurs due to oxididation of oil that is naturally produced by one's pores. Pore strips and home scrubs...pointless as they can further irritate the skin causing even more overproduction of oil due to the inflammation making the situation even worse. Using a scrub that contains aluminum oxide/corundum crystals instead of the usual suspects containing jagged edge nut husks (St. Ives Apricot scrub for example). The scrubs advertising blackhead removal only address the top of the blackhead but will not take of it past that. Blackheads affect all ages...I can attest to that being 41...I still get one from time to time.

If you really want to become proactive and really get to the nitty gritty of avoiding them seek out cosmeceutical skin ingredients. Yes, they can be a little pricey but there is something out there for every budget. To keep inflammation and oil production under control seek out items containing Vitamin B and A (commonly found in serums as they penetrate deeper into the skin). Salicylic acid keeps the pores free of debris and AHA/BHA serum removes dead skin from the skin surface (topical exfoliant). And cleansers...chose those that are SLS/ free.

Jun 3, 2015

Alyssa L.

Nose strips do not work for me as well, so I use a deep pore cleanser and the Clarisonic Mia to get rid of black heads, white heads, or any clogged pore of the sort. Make sure, you take a hot wash rag, and apply to the clogged area. the hot water will open up your pores and allow the cleanser to get deep in there and do its job. When you're done cleansing, take the wash rag again, and wet it with cold water. This will close your pores and prevent any more bacteria or oil to clog, then finish with a light moisturizer.