What Should I Do For Damaged, Fine Hair?


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Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

So I have very very very thin, fine hair, my hair is naturally curly but I straighten the hell out of it so its stick straight and has no life to it. I'm going to be getting my hair done next tuesday, bleached, so keep in mind that itll be even more damaged. I just want some suggestions on how to give my hair more volume without weighing it down, and also helping with the damage when straightening. I use heat protectant but it doesn't work well. just need some suggestions (: ill leave a picture so you can get an idea about how flat my hair is lol.

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

This is it straight.

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

This is it curly

Jun 2, 2015

Kaitlin W.

Maybe try a shampoo or conditioner that has some way of helping the hair become more volumeized. There is one by Pantene that you can try out, also don't use heat on the hair 🙅🏻🙅🏻 it could further more damage your hair more than it already is, if you want maybe use a hair mask out of honey so your hair is more moisturized

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

Well I'm always going to use heat on my hair lol.

Jun 2, 2015

Zoah O.

Girllll, rock your natural curls! they're are so pretty girls would kill for your hair. My hair is naturally curly and I never straighten mine!

Jun 2, 2015

Les N.

Using heat on your hair isn't going to help at ALL.
it's just making your hair more damaged and your not helping it.
plus your going to be bleaching it? yeah your hair isn't going to look great afterwards.
I would try to focus on making it healthy.
trim it, do hair mask's and don't use heat.

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

I really dislike it. when I dye my hair ( two tone platinum blonde and black ) I'm not going to be able to wear it curly bc it won't look right

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

I'm getting it cut and a deep condition after. no matter what I'm going to be straightening it.

There's a heat protectant by ion that makes hair look really shiny and healthy
And dove has a line called oxygen moisture that's good for adding volume and for adding moisture

Jun 2, 2015

Kayla T.

I know these might sound very weird but I have two methods I know. They do not work for all people but never hurts to try right?

1st method
Warm a little bit of olive oil into a bowl
Massage it Onto not only your hair itself but also your scoup too
Leave it in your hair for about 20 minutes
Wash it out with warm water with shampoo

Take a egg (or two for thick hair) and rub It into your hair
Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash out with water

Jun 2, 2015

Sadie G.

You can't "undo" damage, all you can do is prevent future damage, and cut off the already damaged hair. The leave in conditioners everyone is saying will help prevent damage, and replenish moisture. And so will the heat protectant. You have to cut off the damage, and really try, be open minded to stop straightening, try some heatless waves, to make some uniformity to the curls, or cut it down, and try not to wash your hair everyday, that's a big thing, try to go as long as you can without washing your hair so your natural oils can help nourish your hair.

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

I wash my hair every other day, I use heat protectant but what I found was really damaging my hair was the temp of my straightener. I always thought I needed to use 450 degree heat, and I've brought that down to 350 and it doesn't fry my hair as bad. I still needa chop my ends off bc there terrible.

Jun 2, 2015

Taylah F.

If you keep straightening your hair then there's not really any point in putting like hair masks n stuff on it and cutting off the ends. You need to stop using heat all together for it to actually do something and help with the damage. But if you're not willing to stop using heat then nothing is really going to fix it lol

Jun 2, 2015

Jaylene J.

Don't bleach it it could possibly fall out it already weak and damaged you should honestly do a big chop from you picture it looks like you have a lot of breakage and damaged ends. if your still going to he straighting your hair there's no point in protectent or leave ins but if your not into that then ask if they can take a look at your hair to see if they could do have a gentle keratin treatment you can do.

Jun 2, 2015

Keely E.

Disclaimer : the whole head of hair that I have isnt damaged, it is mainly just the ends. I actually have pretty healthy hair but I just have bad ends. plus I have layers which doesn't help it at all. Your hair can be healthy and you can still use heat on it so I don't know where yall go your info from but just because I straighten my hair doesn't mean my hair can't be healthy lol.

Jun 2, 2015

Les N.

What's the whole point of making this thread if your just going to be close minded?
we are trying to suggest you things.
your not helping your hair at all by bleaching it and straightening it.

Jun 3, 2015

Kitty K.

Since you have fine hair remember to maintain through the use of protein masks and using deep conditioning treatments on wash days.
For healthy hair.. protein masks are recommended once a week. Since you have fine hair I would do them at least every 2 weeks.

As far as using heat goes... not applying heat/avoiding bleach will help it tons but I would make sure to ask your stylist if you can bleach your hair... I went in about 2 months ago just to go for a lighter brown color and was advised that my hair would become brittle and break off especially since my hair is thin... & my hair is healthy.

There's 2 gals I work with who's hair has broken off at the nape from bleaching.. so I would make it a note to ask if your hair is in the proper condition to do so...

I only use heat on my hair for special events/december when its too cold and take all the proper steps I can to care for it... but my hair type which is fine/curly is not going to handle bleach well.
Luckily my stylist has known me for years and put her foot down to the whole idea... but Not everyone is so lucky to have someone who will.

Jun 3, 2015

Kitty K.

@Les I find Close Minded to be a bit of stretch here... let's remember to keep a positive tone. Posting an answer doesn't guarantee that the poster will follow the advice and there's plenty of good advice on this thread for her to follow. The choice is ultimately up to her.

@Keely I would also suggest that you ask Hannah W.
She's bleached/dyed her hair tons of beauty wild colors... and has used heat. She has an extensive list of masks/conditioners that has helped her maintain healthy hair 
