Curling wand problem 😩😩


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May 25, 2015

Alicia M.

I have a cortex 4 in one curling wand set that I got about two years ago. I've used it a couple of times and now when I went to use it, it said error on the little part that shows the temperature! Do you guys have any idea how this happened or if it's fixable?? Thanks! c:

May 25, 2015

Raneen R.

I don't have a solution to your issue (maybe you could call the company?) but I did want to ask how you liked the wands, because I have been looking into buying some, thank you in advance!

May 25, 2015

Alicia M.

@raneen I really do like them! They heat up really quickly and they worked really well on my hair and had different variety with the wands :) the only part I would be careful with is what my problem is lol

May 25, 2015

Raneen R.

Thanks! You probably don't have the box still, but if you did the owners manual might help

May 27, 2015

Alicia M.

No problem and I do have the box so I'll check it out! Thanks c:

May 31, 2015

Lin F.

1. If you bought it online from 4inone or their distributor go back to them and ask.
You must have a warranty, see if it is still relevant. Mine is with Karmin (G3 Salon Pro) and it is valid for 3 years.
2. If you can't do this then have a registered electrician look at it? It could be something very simple but don't tamper with it.

Jun 2, 2015

Alicia M.

Ok thanks Lin!