Help!! Dry & Flaky Skin!!


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Mar 28, 2015

Carina B.

I've been having flaky skin everyday and I exfoliated and I've been using my Vitamin E sink in mask and putting some Aquafor on the spots and I wake up and it does nothing! I wake up with still flaky skin around my nose and on my nose and around my mouth and its on my chin.

Mar 28, 2015

Ella M.

Try putting Vaseline on it overnight. If that doesn't work, I would say go to the pharmacist and asking for something to help (CVS)

Mar 28, 2015

Melanie S.

If nothing helps, you could always go to the dermatologist.

Mar 28, 2015

Carina B.

Thanks guys and Cocoa C. I know it clogs so thank you for the other options of goat milk!

Mar 28, 2015

Kaleigh D.

I find that face scrubs make my face do the exact same thing if I use them more than once every week or two. I got mine the worst right on my hair line (looked like dandruff but it was from my forehead), eyebrows and nose! Not exfoliating so often has helped a lot!

Mar 28, 2015

Zoe D.

I like to use almond oil all over my face at night/ or in the morning and I feel like it realy moisturises my skin, not sure if it helps with any flakyness you have

Mar 29, 2015

Shanae J.

Start exfoliating. It'll solve all your problems. I have to do it daily, some people say it's bad, but nobody knows your body better than you.