How do I remove freckles?


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May 18, 2015

Sophia G.

How do I remove freckles?

May 19, 2015

Shaye M.

Honestly there isn't any real way to remove freckles other then getting them lasered off professionally. My freckles personally faded when I started wearing foundation on a daily basis, that did take a while though and they still come back when I don't wear foundation for a certain amount of time. My only real advice is to stay out of the sun and cover up more :)

May 19, 2015

Kaitlin W.

Well for freckles I'm not sure but for dark spot use a whitening or brightening serum/ cream.

May 19, 2015

katie s.

Freckles are a part of your skin and they make you you. why would you want to change that? (; I used to hate my freckles, but learned to love them because they make me me and not everyone has freckles!

May 19, 2015

Melanie S.

You can't. You can however do things to protect your skin from the sun which prevents them from popping up. If you get them on your face then start wearing hats outside to keep the sun off of your face or start layering on the sunscreen.

May 19, 2015

Sharla E.

There is no way to get rid of your freckles. In the winter try start to fade but in summer they increase. My nose is covered in freckles. I had a lady that approached me randomly the other day and said that I was lucky to have freckles and that my freckles were really beautiful. Appreciate that a lot of people don't have them. The only thing you can do to make them invisible is to put a dark shade of concealer.

May 19, 2015

R K.

I hate my freckles too. They fade in the winter and come back from the sun, in the summer. I tried everything. There is no hope :(

May 19, 2015

Danielle H.

I used to have them all over my face when I was young and hated them. They went away but recently have been coming back and I love them now. It's like everyone else has been saying, not everyone has them and they make you you. I think they're beautiful! :)

May 21, 2015

Kenna D.

Freckles are mainly from the sun the less you are in it the more they will fade.