Eyebrows and foundation


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May 18, 2015

Tianna W.


When ever my eyebrow try grow I always want to thread them because there have little hair everywhere and I want them to look clean but it a snuggle because when they grow it doesn't look the same when I shape them someone please help what should I do when they grow and don't shape well.


So I have been this foundation and it doesn't stay on for along time and I want to find something that stay in for about 7-10 hours because of school if any have suggest please comment down below❤️

May 18, 2015

Annabel B.

With your eyebrows you could tempolarily fill them in very lightly 👶🏽 but I don't know any foundations sorry 💖

May 19, 2015

Ema D.

Are you using a primer before foundation?

May 19, 2015

Tianna W.

No I'm not

May 22, 2015

Jessica P.

A primer might help your foundation last longer...what is your skin type and what foundation are you using? This will help us beauties in helping you better.

May 22, 2015

Jessica P.

What are you currently using on your brows? You can clean up your own brows by plucking the bothersome hairs I'm assuming that its new growth from having them shaped.