Tri Cyclen Birth Control.


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Apr 14, 2015

Alicia M.

Is anyone on tri cyclen birth control? any side affects? does it help with acne?

Apr 14, 2015

Kailey L.

I was on it a few years back, no major side effects. It didn't help my acne but it didn't make it worse. It did give me some mood swings though. But everyone is different!

Apr 14, 2015

Lela B.

Neither the ortho tri cyclen , nor the tri cyclen lo agreed With my body. both made me very depressed, and I gained 10 pounds. I also hard mood swings. I also had leg pain. now this isn't the case for everyone. my acne got a bit worse on both for the first month and then got better.

Apr 15, 2015

Shauna S.

I haven't been on this particular one. Birth control is verrrrry different for everyone so you will not have the same side affects as everyone. My doctor told me that low does birth control usually does not help acne. I have been on low dose birth control and it made me crazy. I was extremely depressed and it made me gain a ton of weight within 2 months. I have been on moderate to high doses of birth control which have worked better for me. On a very high dose (Yaz) I was very angry and moody. The medium (regular) dose (Marvelon) worked well for me. I would have mood swings but they weren't terrible. I did gain about 10 pounds within 2 years of being on it. I can get more emotional. I've never suffered from extreme acne but I noticed I didn't get many breakouts. As of recently I was switched to a 3 month continuous birth control called Seasonique. It actually made me feel great but I don't think doctors recommend it unless you've tried all other possibilities. I don't want any of it to scare you from going on it lol. Everyone is different and if you don't like it you can get off it. You will probably have some side effects but they shouldn't be severe. If you want your birth control to do a certain thing for you such as help your acne then you should consult your doctor and they can prescribe one that can help you.

Apr 15, 2015

Kayla Marie W.

I'm on ortho tri cyclen lo and it's perfect for me. I hardly get acne anymore, and I don't really have any side effects. I've been on it for like 6 years and I've had no problems. My boobs went up a size when I first started though. That's about it 😊

Apr 15, 2015

Nina H.

I agree that everyone reacts differently to medications. I personally experienced heart palpitations and night sweats so I stopped taking it after a month and a half. Also I would get moody/depressed. But I've had similar experiences with other BC that has estrogen in it; not everyone has issues with it like I do. I do know the progestin only pill gave me the worst acne I've ever experienced. My doctor told me that the combo pill can initially make acne worse but then it can improve over time. So you have to give it time before you can see a full effect. And keep in mind that some side effects are temporary and will subside over time so don't get discouraged if you experience some. Always talk to your doctor! :)

Apr 15, 2015

Alicia M.

I have talked to my doctor thru this whole thing I loved yaz I was on for 6 years really cleared up my acne but my doctor took me off it cause it causes blood clots so he put me on alesse and it hasn't really helped with my acne and I told him and now he put me on tri cyclen lo he said low dose birth control helps with acne more then higher dose ones why does one doctor say high dose bc helps more this is so fucked

Apr 15, 2015

Shauna S.

I was on alesse and I hated it. I was so depressed and weepy all the time. maybe try searching for some online, my doctor had told me that all birth control (including low dose) is for preventing contraception. she said the higher dose you go the more things it's supposed to do for you such as helping with acne and less cramping. she told me low dose is mainly just for preventing contraception however it's possible that it could do other things it just depends on the person's body. it's a tricky thing, my body reacts badly to the estrogen causing skin reactions like eczema, but I usually do better on medium doses. it's all about trial and error. you should be on it for 3 months before you make a decision to change.

Apr 15, 2015

Carmen A.

I used to take Tri Cyclen and it didn't clear my acne, but it didn't make it worse either. It did make my skin quite dry, which might help someone with oily skin, but for me it was too dry. Otherwise it was pretty good, but the one annoying side effect was that I had almost zero sex drive (sorry if that's TMI, but is that not why many women go on birth control?) I think that medication is very personal, so it would depend on the person how it would effect you.

Apr 15, 2015

Jack B.

I was on it for a few months. It didn't make much difference for my skin but it gave me terrible mood swings. Everyone reacts differently though, so just be conscious of any changes in your skin, mood, diet, etc.and bring up concerns with your doctor!

Apr 15, 2015

Nathalie H.

Doesn't being on medication (birth control) for an extended period of time cause bad side effects on liver and kidneys? I worked in a pharmacy a while ago, and there was a law suit against Yaz birth control, I think it caused in some serious organ damages.

Apr 16, 2015

Shauna S.

Being on birth control for an extended period of time should not have any bad side effects. you should take a break or switch it up every few years or so. everyone reacts to it differently. as for yaz, I had my doubts as well and discussed it with my doctor. she informed me that they use a different hormone in yaz which makes people more prone to getting a blod clot or having a stroke. people that have any history in their family of blood clots and strokes should not take it. she would also get my blood pressure every few months to make sure it was normal. I think yaz has a bad rep because of the press but it's actually not a bad drug to someone who is very healthy.