Best skincare products for acne.


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May 6, 2015

Jasmine N.

I'm currently using the Clinique any blemish solutions systems and although it has reduced my acne it's not great and is a little bit drying. What do you beauties use to combat acne?

May 6, 2015

Jasmine N.

Anti* not any

May 6, 2015

Joleigh P.

There's a really good Australian product called Skinstitut. Or alternatively use a non foaming cleanser with AHA,BHA and natural antibacterial elements like Tea Tree Oil. Also use a Vitamin A serum to regulate the oil and acne production. Make sure you also wear a good sunscreen and exfoliate 2-3x per week depending on skin thickness. Good Luck!

May 6, 2015

Jasmine N.

I can't actually read that Cocoa could you briefly explain? And thank you Joleigh I will look into it, where is it sold in Australia?