Foot Care Help!


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May 10, 2015

Justine S.

I'm hoping this is in the right category.

I have really cracked heels and dry skin (they're not that bad but I just got these really cute sandals from target cause they're having a sell on them and I think my feet look gross) and I need help getting rid of it. I have a pumis stone and a Epsom salt to help but do I soak my feet and wash them and then use the stone? how do I use the stone? I've never used one before and what are some tips on keeping your feet nice?

May 10, 2015

Lydia A.

Try to use ellgy foot cracked cream. Or maybe the body shop fooy care product that has cooling effect.

May 10, 2015

Delara g.

You can get a cream for heels at any chemist

May 10, 2015

Lydia A.

Because the ellgy does help me more than the body shop. The body shop one is just ok :)

May 10, 2015

Plavita P.

Even I faced the same problm.but I used MOISTUREX.
you can try it.vry useful

May 11, 2015

Saybrah W.

I use the stone in the shower but I'm sure if you're soaking them you can use it then. I would let the skin soften a little then use it to scrub the dead skin off. Then moisturize.

May 11, 2015

Lara C.

I usr to work in a cream store and this is how we did self pedicures: Soak your feet in the epson salt water for like 15-20 mins. Then you can use an exfoliant (for example sugar and coconut oil) and scrub or use the pumice stone. I usuaally use both when my feet are extra rough. Scrub mostly on the heel. Then rinse and apply a foot cream, if you don't have one, apply a thick body cream but make sure you don't walk around because itll be slippery.

May 11, 2015

Lara C.

Then one a week you can just scrub as you shower to keep up with it, if you havr time do the bath:)