Clarisonic... how often do you.


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May 1, 2015

Mich N.

Change the brush head? I've been using mine once a day (most days) since the start of the year. I clean it after every use and take if off and give it a good wash once a week and its looking pretty good. Is it time to chuck it? Also, is there really much of a difference between the different types of heads?

May 1, 2015

Amber K.

When I bought my clarisonic I looked on the website and it said every 3 to 4 months. but I've had mine on for 6+ months. I think if your caring for it that well it should be fine.?

May 1, 2015

Maggie M.

I switch them out rather obsessively 😳 it could be personal preference. I also switch my loofa out once a week so I don't know what "normal" is :7.

May 1, 2015

Bonnie R.

I use mine (sensitive brush head) every other day, so I just changed mine out after about 4 months. I noticed it was looking a bit worn. Probably depends on how much you use it.

May 1, 2015

Mich N.

Thanks ladies. I think I will get a new one this month.