Removing/preventing acne for sensitive skin.


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Feb 24, 2015

Chloe E.

I have bad acne want reasonably priced products to use or different treatments, however witch hazel based things are great as my skin can be quite sensitive and it dries my skin out.

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

Use a toner once a day and moisturize. Don't eat chocolate as much (mission impossible. Let's be real here lol) and sleep with a clean shirt around your pillow as some acne comes from bacteria from your pillow. Also make sure your make-up brushes are clean.

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

You can also use acne masks and teatree oil (I believe I misspelled that lol. Language barrier...) but I have never had good results with them but like 80% of the people say it is AMAZING.

Feb 24, 2015

Chloe E.

Ok thankyou so you mean to use toner and moisturise and wash my fsce everyday as before this dried my skin out even when using moisturiser

Feb 24, 2015

Chloe E.

Oh ok I have heard a lot of good things about tee tree oil thankyou

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

There are toners out there which are less strong. If you can't find any you can always mix a tiny but if water with it to make it less strong and drying. If this doesn't work for you you could also use toner less times. Like ones every two or three days if that works better for you.

Feb 24, 2015

Chloe E.

Thankyou that's a very good idea didn't realise you could add water

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

This method worked for me but I have extremely oily skin and my skin never gets dry (I don't moisturize because I need to, but because my moisturzer smells like glazed apples hehe). If my method doesn't give you good results you can change it up or just use a different method.

Whatever you do NEVER EVER EVER use toothpaste on you blemeshes. Some people say that that is a good idea, but really no, it is NOT a good idea. It is a really bad idea lol

Feb 24, 2015

Isabel M.

You are welcome and good luck!

Feb 24, 2015

Les N.

Don't use toothpaste, mouthwash, lemon & baking soda on your face.

Feb 24, 2015

Chloe E.

Yeah I never have people have suggested it but as I have sensitive skin I knew jt woukd cause problems