Oil pulling for whiter teeth.


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Mar 6, 2015

Amy H.

Hi I was wondering if anyone has tried oil pulling with coconut oil/have you noticed any difference in your teeth when you did it?

Mar 7, 2015

Shanae J.

It doesn't do much at all except make your mouth cleaner. I've heard a few people say that it whitened their teeth, I've never tried it personally.

Mar 8, 2015

Sydney J.

The only thing I've heard about oil pulling and it making your teeth whiter is that you have to do it for like thirty minutes at a time every day haha. I've personally never tried it but I have wanted to! I just feel as if it's not worth the effort, tell me if you try it though and good luck!

Mar 9, 2015

Amy H.

So I've been trying it for the last few days and I have to say that I do really like it, I'll make sure to make a post about it ;)

Mar 9, 2015

Amy H.

:) not ;)