Help! Foundation trouble!


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Mar 12, 2015

Jenna M.

Why is my foundation separating on my face and looking flaky! I have tried multiple foundations with and without primer and all do the same (makeup forever HD, taste Amazonian clay, naked skin) is my skin just dry? Or is something else causing this? I just noticed the kiehls moisturizer I use is not oil free... Any solutions or suggestions?? My routine also includes clarisonic a few times a week, fresh soy cleanser, dr jart water sleeping mask once a week, and Peter Thomas Roth gentle complexion correction pads.

Mar 12, 2015

Alma M.

Your skin can be dry, what is your skin type normally and do you let products set?

Mar 13, 2015

Sarah N.

Your skin could also just be very dehydrated which is a skin condition which means it can be changed and may not have always been the case. I can't guarantee that's what it is without seeing your skin and feeling it but I would consider treating it for dehydration, just in case, it won't hurt.