Mascara tips for thicker and longer lashes?


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Feb 19, 2015

Michele S.

Do you have any tips on applying mascara to make lasher thicker and/or longer?

Feb 19, 2015

Les N.

Don't forget to apply on the top of your lashes.
I usually apply more than one coat on the top of my lashes to get them how I like them.

Feb 19, 2015

Amber R.

You can use an eyelash curler then put mascara on. Don't do it the other way round, it makes them fall off!

Feb 19, 2015

Martyna M.

Curl your lashes before applying mascara,then apply 2 different products that could work together for example I use 2 different mascaras one Loreal and one Maybelline, also when applying it pull towards your eye and upwards instead of pulling towards the ears!