Anyone Dine The Lemonade Detox?


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Anyone tried this? Apparently u use quite a bit of weight doing it and it gives you more energy?

Dec 29, 2012

Alyse M.

no. no no no.

Dec 29, 2012

Jelissa H.

Yeah it's called the master cleanse && it's good for your body and you loose weight fast the only problem is that's all you'll be drinking for 10 days... No food no nothing just that drink 

Dec 29, 2012

Ave M.

Just do a juice detox. It's a bit more exciting than just drinking lemonade. And you still loose a bunch of water weight. You don't loose fat though.

Dec 29, 2012

Alyse M.

No, Jelissa, it is not good for your body!! The only "good" detox is simply eating clean. You could do raw for a few days but the master cleanse is not good for you. 

Dec 29, 2012

Julianne J.

You won't lose weight long term- you'll have a LOT of diarrhea, probably cramps, dehydrated, headaches, etc. You'll be on the toilet constantly, with no energy. Those crash diets will just make you crave those high-carb high-fat foods more, thus gaining back any weight you lose- which will be a lot of water weight. Once you deprive the body that suddenly, it's only natural you'll crave "bad" food.

There is a TON of criticism online and most doctors would never reccommend this to their patients. You'll flush out water and food in your colon and intestine, but will flush out other important stuff- its not healthy. Try it, but I doubt you will feel great, and you won't be able to pass up the cheeseburger when your friends hit up McDonalds...

Didn't beyonce do the master cleanse for a film? They do say do a salt water drink in the morning and laxative tea at night! I guessed its not amazing but usually when I loose the weight I manage to keep it off! I hate veg :(. Sounds so childish lol..

Dec 31, 2012

Alyse M.

Beyonce did do it, but there was lots of criticism and I think even she came out saying it was extreme circumstances for the film.

Dec 31, 2012

Vanessa C.

Yes, I do it after the holidays to help lose the few extra pounds aand go back to my normal weight, maybe a little lighter cause it gets rid of all water weight and bloating. But once youre off of it you HAVE to slowly go back to regular foods, for a few days you should only eat fruits and veggies for all snacks and tuna fish or other light meals twice a day, bigger portions for dinner. After a week or so, incorporate more calories, but you should usually try to stay under 1200 a day year round. 

Dec 31, 2012

Shelley W.

I'm sorry but as an athlete who depends on clean eating to compete hearing about all these crazy diets to lose weight sickens me to the core. A master cleanse is NOT good for the body and anybody that suggest that needs to meet a few of the women at my nutritionist office who fell for that mess. One of them is on the kidney transplant list. Heck to the NO! Lose weight the healthy and safe way....30-60 minutes of exercise a day, lay off the junk food and eat a well balanced diet. Extreme dieting not only causes stress on your internal organs it also ages the skin and depletes it of vital nutrients. Juice diet, lemonade diet,master cleanse diet....DANGEROUS! 

Dec 31, 2012

Natalie T.

oh man my room mate and I did it a few years back and it was...ineffective. I mean, we weren't completely serious about it, we only lasted 10 out of the 21 days we were going for. We essentially ended up sticking with it after the misery of day 1 (three gets way better hunger wise) because all of our guy room mates were placing bets that we would fail after X amount of days... stuck with it for the wrong reasons. We kind of did it incorrectly too by quitting half way through and I personally switched to water-which really defeats the purpose. My room mate and I also came down with terrible respiratory infections that weren't able to fight off when it was a smaller infection, so we essential quit because the doctors made us stop the cleanse when we were prescribed medicine for it. They were pretty mad that we even tried it for the short period of 10 days.

But yeah you do a salt water flush in the morning and detox tea at night. We described our bathroom experiences as "butt pee." okay that sounds really gross... but it was SO gross and frequent. My room mate also pooped her pants three times in the ten days we did this. She had all of her "accidents" during the morning salt water flush also. You really need to be by a bathroom for all day, but the first few hours after the salt water flush is especially brutal. I really think that your body cannot take that much salt water, that's why my room mate was getting so sick without warning. The laxative tea is DELICIOUS! but when I don't eat anything, it hurts my stomach so much. I drink the "smooth moves" tea on a regular basis and I think its tasty and its not scary at all, but I woke up EVERY morning crying hysterically during the cleanse with unbearable stomach cramps. Literally some of the worst stomach pains I have ever had in my life. I really think the laxative tea caused these cramps since it was trying to purge my stomach of absolutely nothing, but it was working like something was there. Even though I spent $90 on the correct maple syrup (SO important) and like $50 on organic lemons, I was so sick of the tea within a few days, I basically just nixed it and only drank water for nearly a week straight. Sure we lost a lot of weight, but we gained it right back once we started eating solid food again. You are supposed to ease in and out of the cleanse with light foods then soups and broths and such, but we did not do that either. That may have made it more effective. . But we got so sick of it and ended up killing the cleanse by getting some beers downtown-obviously we weren't really committed to "detoxing" in that case. I used to fast a lot in high school and I've done juice detoxes before, but this was definitely one of the less intelligent things I have done before.

Dec 31, 2012

Shelley W.

Natalie T. Just imagine what the outcome could've been if you completed the full 21 days. :( And what's even more scary the ladies I met who did this mess too told me they also worked out while on the cleanse. All in the name of losing weight. 

Dec 31, 2012

Lara T.

Well said Shelley & see Natalie gave a good example of how bad the crazy diets can be for your health.