Cystic pimple on nose.


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Feb 1, 2015

Aubrey N.

I've had this red big cystic pimple on my nose for 4 days now. Any ideas on how to shrink it/get rid quickly? I don't have tea tree oil but I've heard that helps. I went to the derm and they gave me tretinole (retinA) cream for night and oral pills to take twice a day.

Feb 1, 2015

M G.

The tea tree oil would help with the redness. since your taken acne meds and creams I'd recommed you ask your doc

Feb 1, 2015

Aubrey N.

My appointment isn't for 3 months. but I could email?

Feb 1, 2015

Aubrey N.

I really want it gone by monday😭

Feb 1, 2015

Allison W.

I had one on my forehead for a month- actually it was a cyst not a cystic pimple. There was no head and it didn't hurt, just itched. My derm injected it with cortisone and it was gone within a day. Take the meds and dilute your tea tree oil- especially so close to your eyes because the scent is potent and will irritate your eyes and make them water. I would wet a cotton swab and then put just one drop on the swab before applying. Good luck, honey!

Feb 1, 2015

Jennifer R.

Hot compress. Mix Epsom salt and hot water,put washcloth in it squeeze out and hold on it, keep repeating. It will take down swelling and redness

Feb 1, 2015

Jennifer M.

The dermatologist is your best shot at getting it to go away quickly. As Allison said, a Cortizone shot will have a go down within a day or two. Most dermatologist keep same-day appointments on the books specifically for this purpose. Do not poke or pop this zit, it's not worth the months of redness and likely ice pick scar that will result which is very common when popping a cystic pimple. Just keep putting whatever spot treatment you have on hand for it if you don't have any, get some at the drugstore or asked the doctor for a recommendation/prescription and use it nightly when you start to see one form. If you start using it the moment you see one forming, it will prevent it from coming to a head, or become cystic if it already has. I checked my face on a nightly basis for any acne that looks like it's starting. I spray a 70% alcohol solution on a cotton ball and wipe that area. Hey then apply spot treatments to it. My skin care is very basic. I use a mild Cleanser, la roche posay toleriane dermo cleanser, it's very thick like a cream, and moisturizes in addition to cleaning your skin. With your retina a prescription, I'm sure you're finding your skin to be very dry and flaky. I also use Neutrogena's alcohol free toner. Toner is very critical in your skincare routine to remove the make up and dirt in your pores that are left behind after you wash your face. I usually massage the Quinn's are on to my face and let it sit for about two minutes, then wipe off with a damp paper towel. I then use the toner, then moisturize. That's when I examined my face for any signs of a pimple forming, and wipe the area with a little alcohol. I apply spot treatment and let it dry.

Feb 1, 2015

Traci L.

Just use what the derm gave you Retin makes your skin super sensitive until your use to it if you put tee tree oil or anything else it my burn and make it raw ,

Feb 1, 2015

Maggie F.

I'd call the derm to see if you can get an appt quicker. They may be able to give you a prescription over the phone for another topical medication. My derm actually said last week Retin a and topical medications weren't good at helping deep, cystic acne and was more effective at getting rid of the type of acne that is little bumps all over your face. He gave me a prescription for spironolactone and there seems to be a lot of good results from it from stories online. My friend said it made her skin perfect too! If you get a lot of acne, I'd also consider Accutane. So worth it! I took 3 full courses and it is life changing. It seems to only last 2-5 years for me though and I may need to take another course 😞.

Feb 2, 2015

Laura C.

I've gotten a few cystic pimples on my chin and putting honey actually helped. I leave it on for 20 mins and rinse it off with warm water twice a day. Some people do vinegar as well. I felt the honey worked best than the topical med my dermatologist prescribed. Hope it helps!