Does Castor oil actually help hair?


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Aug 7, 2015

S M.

Does it help to thicken and grow hair? Any experience?

Aug 7, 2015

Maggie H.

Well nothing can really speed up the growing process (correct me if I'm wrong) so I think that part may be a scam. Not sure about the growing process though 😁

Aug 7, 2015

Maggie H.


Aug 7, 2015

Maggie H.

Not growing sorryyy

Aug 7, 2015

Kat R.

No product will create new hair follicles, creating thicker hair. castor oil will only coat the shaft, which may make it APPEAR thicker, but will also make it dull and heavy.

Aug 7, 2015

Riff W.

I used to do it since I read something that said that but no it doesn't, nothing will make your hair grow faster or thicker.

Aug 7, 2015

Claire D.

Honestly it helped the growth for me.I think that moisturizing your hair is very important if you want it to grow out healthy.But like the ladies said above,it doesn't speed up the process at all nor make it long and thick in a short amount of time.

Aug 7, 2015

Claire D.

It took months to notice a difference in my hair.I recommend using it as a mask for an hour or so and washing it out with shampoo and leaving it.I usually do this 2-3 times week.

Aug 7, 2015

katie s.

Our hair typically grows.5-1 inch a month so seeing results in a couple months is not because of the oil. The reason that it sometimes makes your hair look longer is because your hair gets dull and weighed down. I do recommend putting it in the ends of your hair to keep your hair healthy and manageable though. Just because it doesn't speed up growth or make your hair thicker doesn't mean you shouldn't do it (;

Aug 7, 2015

Alyx T.

^ what katelyn said. It's the same as using a hair mask, which makes hair healthier, and can cause less breakage so it appears that it's growing. But it doesn't increase growth, or make it thicker. Thickness of the hair is genetic as well as growth speed, and or you use anything that coats the hair making appear thicker, eventually it will way the hair down, which can straighten curls, and cause stress on the roots, causing breakage up high on the scalp and making it damaged from the root.

Aug 7, 2015

Gracelyn M.

I use it and it does wonders for my hair :)

Aug 9, 2015

AnnaMarea C.

I use castor oil on my hair. I stick my fingertip in my jar and rub all the oil into my palms and then gently smooth it out all over my hair and repeat if necessary..I also rub very little onto my don't use a lot, you're not supposed to because it's really thick. here's a pic to show my hair type.