Why Do You Not Put Foundation Over Your Eyebrows?


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Jul 4, 2015

Allison K.

So everyone says to not put foundation over your eyebrows before you fill them in. Why? I've never done it, but I just realized I didnt know why I don't do it.

Jul 4, 2015

Tessandra R.

@Jacqlyn is completely correct! :)

Jul 4, 2015

Shaye M.

I've always just gone over my brows when I'm doing my makeup because they're so fair anyway, I just end up filling them in so I don't really try to stay away from them with foundation.

Jul 4, 2015

Lydia B.

I agree with Jacqlyn.

Jul 4, 2015

Amy P.

I just hate getting foundation near my brows because the skin around them always looks really flakey/cakey when I apply foundation there. That's why I don't do it personally.

Jul 6, 2015

Gabby M.

For me personally, I don't do it because I have very pale skin& dark hair, so even if I accidentally get a bit of finishing powder on my brows they look really ashy& faded in a way? I feel like its an unnecessary step since foundation is meant to cover up, so there's not really a point in caking your brows, also foundation is probably meant more for skin& not hair so I'd assume it would end up looking really cakey& not the best :p the only times I've seen it done is because the person has shaved their eyebrows off& they draw them on completely differently which would make sense since they'd probably want to cover the small stubble :)