Cosmetology learning facts


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Oct 27, 2015

Sarah K.

I'm planning to take a college cosmetology course. What are some things I need for the class?What are some facts about it I need to know before taking the class?

Oct 27, 2015

true b.

What do you mean by a college courses? I went to a beauty school to get my cosmetology degree and when I paid for my tuition it covered the cost of my kitchen also so I'm not sure how your school is doing it.

Oct 27, 2015

true b.

Kit not kitchen lol.

Oct 28, 2015

Chloe N.

I am taking a esthetician class now which covers cosmetology along with skin care. I didn't know much going in and didn't really need to. My teacher teaches us everything we need to know. And she doesn't expect my class to know everything. As for needing stuff for the class...I just brought a note book and pencil. If you need extra your teacher will tell you. My teacher provides the class with makeup and gave us our own brushes. A fact to know is that it is very theory based. Some is hands on but the most learning comes from a text book. Hope you have fun with the class!