Diy mask for oily skin.


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Jul 19, 2015

Christine A.

So I've been really into diy masks lately and I was just wondering on if any of you have tried a diy mask for oily skin and if it worked for you. If so please tell me the recipe. Thankss 😊

Jul 19, 2015

Dorothea S.

I've used oatmeal and honey before as a mask and brown sugar, it worked pretty well and made my skin soft 😊 I didnt use it longterm but I think its pretty beneficial.

Jul 20, 2015

Delaida M.

You can find a lots of diy ideas for everything on pinterest. Trust me, there you can find perfect recepy for you.

Jul 20, 2015

Hailee M.

Baking soda and water

Jul 20, 2015

Hailee M.

So get your face damp and then just add the baking soda and you can have it on as long as you want.

Jul 20, 2015

Alyx T.

Baking soda is extremely harsh on the skin. It can cause micro tears in the face. You shouldn't use it on your face.

For DIY's, most of them can cause more harm than good. Stay away from baking soda, sugar, lemon/lemon juice, anything acidic or anything that is small and sharp, like sugar, salt, baking soda, etc. Make sure you test patch everything you use. The face is extremely sensitive to ingredients compared to the inside of the body. If you are slightly intolerant to an ingredient (like pollen in honey) it can cause a big reaction on your face.

Jul 24, 2015

Emilia C.

I know a really good one that calms down skin you need one strawberry, 2 tablespoons of tumeric, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 cup ( a drinking cup) of milk, amsh the strawberry and mix all the ingredients! It works on every skin type! I agree with alyx t about lemon juice and baking soda but sugar is a good exfoliant!

Jul 24, 2015

Alyx T.

Emilla - sugar is made as little sharp grains, its like rubbing sand on the skin, its really easy to micro tear the skin on the face. Sugar scrubs for the body are great, and brown sugar (which are rounded edges) is good for the face, but regular white sugar will do more harm than good. Especially since sugar will feed any ongoing acne or any tears in the skin could lead to infection if not 100% properly removed, which would be hard to do without rubbing an antibacterial disinfectant on your skin.

Jul 25, 2015

Emilia C.

Ok Thankyou! Is there an alternative?

Jul 25, 2015

Alyx T.

Brown sugar is fine, as long as it's not rubbed really hard, also ground oats. I like to blend the oats first so it's smaller and easier to apply, mix with warm water till it's a thick paste and rub on your face. It exfoliates but also soothes the skin so there's no redness or irritation afterwards. And in all honesty, just using a plain wet cloth will exfoliate well too.