What is oxidising?


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Jul 26, 2015

Kel R.

When girls mention that their foundation has been oxidising, I understand that the colour goes darker but what exactly is oxidising and how does it happen/what causes it? And how do you prevent it?

Thank you!

Jul 26, 2015

Tessandra R.

Oxidizing of foundation is when it reacts while on your skin. Basically, the foundation reacts to the exposure of air and that causes it to darken or lighten in color. The only way to prevent this from happening is to test/sample a little bit of it on your skin and wait a few minutes to see how it reacts. If you can't do that, then pick a shade closet to your color and try it. If it oxidizes, then you can take it back and switch it out for a different shade (Normally with the receipt). But when it oxidizes, it feels cakey and almost mask-like. So you might just want to switch to a new foundation. I hope I helped some Dear! Xx

Jul 28, 2015

Kel R.

Thanks tessandra! That was very helpful!!

Jul 28, 2015

Tessandra R.

Glad to help Dear!