Choosing A Bookbag For College!


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Aug 23, 2015

Samantha P.

And do you guys get physical textbooks or use your iPad or computer?

Aug 23, 2015

Sara D.


Aug 24, 2015

Tia A.

I'm not familiar with either brand but for the textbooks: it's all about personal preference
I simply can't study well with ebooks because I learn better when I have the "authentic" feel of holding a physical book
But ebooks are usually cheaper soooo, do you prefer studying from a virtual screen or a physical page? Are you on a tight budget for textbooks(who isn't? Lol)?
Btw, here's a list of websites for free textbooks that I found, I hope that helps :)

Aug 24, 2015

Lara C.

Get the jansport. You'll wear out any bag you get and the longchamp is too expensive and pretty to ruin lol. And jansport will be more comfy for your back/shoulders.
I personally like textbooks, I have an easier time studying. But you'll have to see for yourself:D

Aug 24, 2015

Samantha P.

Thank you guys so much

Aug 25, 2015

Jana K.

I've carried a Longchomp shopper bag to school for the last two years and it's still very good in shape. They are quite worth the money I think :)

Aug 25, 2015

Lydia B.

I love Jansport. they last for ever, and like what Lara said Longchomps are pretty costy.

Aug 28, 2015

Samantha P.

Thank you guys 😘😘